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Beginners Frame
Posted by FallsHiker
12/10/2009  4:00:00 AM
Hello Everyone:

Im still new to my lessons, I take both group and private lessons. My most recent frustration is with my frame in the group lessons.

Some of the ladies have good frames, and its wonderful to dance with them. Others have poor frames and its so frustrating because the lack of frame makes it so difficult to lead.

I pay a lot of attention to my frame, my question is, why is it that I cant always project a strong frame with these ladies? Is the problem mine, theirs or ours. What can I do to have a good frame with all of my different partners?

Thanks all for your help.
Re: Beginners Frame
Posted by quickstep7
12/10/2009  7:41:00 AM
Hi FallsHiker. To be honest, the girl you are dancing with will have to sort out her frame. It is noy your fault. To help you don't want to have too straight a back, try to bend forward a little so your weight is not completely on your heels.

The girl needs to bend a bit to the left to create a good frame.You know the frame is good if you create a C shape between the partners.

Anyway, basically she has to sort her frame through exercises and practice. Its nothing to do with you.
Re: Beginners Frame
Posted by Telemark
12/12/2009  2:44:00 AM
, try to bend forward a little so your weight is not completely on your heels


Man should stand in a natural upright position, with the body slightly inclined forward from the feet, body weight being felt over the balls of the feet. There should be little or no weight on the heels, so to think in terms of making an adjustment not to have the weight 'completely' on the heels is to have started out with fundamentally flawed posture.

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